1. A.
Unicellular --------- Kingdom Protista (2)
B. Multicellular
------- Kingdom Animalia (9)
2. A.
Parasitic / no locomotory organelle ---------
P. Apicomplexa (Gregarina)
B. Free-living /
with locomotory organelle ------ 3
3. A.
Mode of locomotion: Flagella/pseudopodia – P.
Sarcomastigophora (4)
B. Mode of
locomotion: Cilia ----- P. Ciliophora (7)
4. A.
Pseudopodia ----------------------- 5
B. Flagella
------------------------------ 6
5. A.
Lobopodia / Not testate --------- Amoeba
B. Axopodia /
Testate --------------- radiolaria
6. A.
Solitary --------- Euglena
B. Colonial
-------- Volvox
7. A.
No proboscis -------------------- 8
B. With proboscis
------------------ Didinium
8. A.
With stalk ------------------------
B. Without stalk
-------------------- Paramecium
9. A.
With tissue level of organization ----- P. Porifera (10)
B. With organ
level of organization ----- 13
10. A.
Calcareous spicules --------- 11
B. Siliceous
spicules ------------ 12
11. A.
Solitary -------------------------- Grantia
B. Colonial -------------------------
12. A.
Hexaxon ------------------------- Euplectella
B. Monaxon and
Tetraxon ------ Leiodermatium
13. A.
Diploblastic ---------------------- P. Cnidaria (14)
B. Triploblastic
--------------------- 18
14. A.
Medusa form dominant ------ Aurelia
B. Polyp form
dominant --------- 15
15. A.
Acellular mesoglea / without septa ------- 16
B. Cellular
mesoglea / with septa ------------- 17
16. A.
Solitary / Fresh water --------- Hydra
B. Colonial /
Marine --------------- Obelia
17. A.
Solitary / without calcareous skeleton -- Metridium
B. Colonial / with
calcareous skeleton ------ Favia
18. A.
Without body cavity ---------- P. Platyhelminthes (19)
B. With body
cavity -------------- 23
19. A.
Free-living ---------------------- Dugesia
B. Parasitic
------------------------ 20
20. A.
Incomplete digestive system --- Class Digenea (21)
B. No digestive
system -------------- Class Cestoda (22)
21. A.
Sexes united ----------------- Clonorchis
B. Sexes separate
-------------- Schistosoma
22. A.
Int. host is pork / scolex with hooks – Taenia
B. Int. host is
cattle/scolex w/o hooks –Taenia saginata
23. A.
Pseudocoelomate ------------ P. Nematoda (24)
B. Eucoelomate
------------------- 25
24. A.
With phasmids ----------------- Ascaris
Without phasmids ------------- Trichinella
spiralis & Trichiuris trichiura
25. A.
Segmented --------------------- 32
B. Unsegmented
------------------ P. Mollusca (26)
26. A.
internal and chitinous shell / Closed CS ------ Loligo
B. With shell /
Open Cs ------------------------------- 27
27. A.
Shell with 8 dorsal plates ------ Acanthozostera
B. Shell not 8
dorsal plates ------- 28
28. A.
Univalve ------------------------- Class Gastropoda (29)
B. Bivalve
--------------------------- Class Bivalvia (30)
29. A.
Exhibits torsion ----------------- Cypraea
B. Undergoes
detorsion --------- Phylidiella
30. A.
31. A.
32. A.
Protostomate ------------------ 33
B. Deuterostomate --------------
33. A.
Closed CS --------------------- P. Annelida (34)
B. Open CS
----------------------- P. Arthropoda (36)
34. A.
With clitellum / without parapodia --- 35
B. Without
clitellum / with parapodia --- Sabella
35. A.
With setae --------------------- Pheretima
B. Without setae
---------------- Limnotes
36. A.
Without antennae -------------- SP Chelicerata (37)
B. With antennae
------------------ 38
37. A.
With book gills ------------------- Tachypleus
B. With book lungs
----------------- Nephila
38. A.
1 pair of antennae -------------- SP Uniramia (39)
B. 2 pairs of
antennae ------------ SP Crustacea (41)
39. A.
Thorax divided into 3 segments / Compound eyes – Class Insecta (Periplaneta & Xylotrupes)
B. Thorax divided
into > 3 segments / Simple eyes –40
40. A.
1 pair of legs per segment ---- Scolopendra
B. 2 pairs of legs
per segment --- Polydesmus
41. A.
Pleopods for swimming ------------ 43
B. Pleopods for
reproduction --------- 42
42. A.
No lateral extensions / Marine ------------ Scylla
B. With lateral
extensions / Freshwater ---- Portunus
43. A.
Pleopods reduced or absent ------ Pagurus
B. 5 pairs of
pleopods ------------------ Penaeus
44. A.
With water vascular system / without CS – Phylum Echinodermata (45)
B. Without water vascular system /
with CS – Phylum Chordata (50)
45. A.
Bilateral symmetry ----------------- Holothuria
B. Radial symmetry
------------------- 46
46. A.
With arms ---------------------------- 47
B. Without arms
------------------------ 49
47. A.
With distinct central disc / Madreporite on oral side / No anus
----------------------------- Ophiorachna
B. Indistinct central disc /
Madreporite on aboral side / With anus --------------------------- C Asteroidea
48. A.
With spines -------------------------- Oreaster
B. Without spines
---------------------- Linckia
49. A.
Anus on aboral side / Globular -- Echinometra
B. Anus on oral
side / Flattened ---- Echinodiscus
50. A.
Indistinct head ----------------------- 51
B. Distinct head
------------------------- 52
51. A.
Notochord is restricted in tail region of larva ---- Pandocia
B. Notochord
persists until adulthood -- Amphioxus
52. A.
Appendages are fins -------------- 53
B. Appendages are
limbs ------------ 57
53. A.
Fishes without jaws --------------- 54
B. Fishes with
jaws ------------------- 55
54. A.
Body covering is skin / No eyes ----- Class
Myxini (Hagfish – Myxine)
Body covering: scales + skin / With eyes ------ Class
(Lamprey – Petromyzon)
55. A.
Cartilaginous skeleton ------- Class Chondrichthyes
B. Bony skeleton
------------------ 56
56. A.
Lobe-finned fish ---C. Sarcopterygii (Protopterus)
B. Ray-finned fish
---- C. Actinopterygii (Hippocampus)
57. A.
Cold-blooded ----------- Amphibia and Reptilia (58)
B. Warm-blooded
--------- Aves and Mammalia (59)
58. A.
Body covering: naked skin -- Class Amphibia (Bufo)
Body covering: scales, scutes, plates ---- C. Reptilia (Python)
59. A.
Body covering scales and feathers / Without mammary glands --------- Aves (Owl
– Bubo)
B. Body covering
hair / With mammary glands -- 60
60. A.
Lays eggs ------------------- Monotremes (Echidna)
B. Does not lay
eggs --------- 61
61. A.
With placenta ------- Placentals (Canis,
Homo, Felis)
B. Without
placenta --- Marsupials (kangaroo)
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